Monday, March 24, 2008

Dad and Lacey Visit

My dad was here last weekend. It was really good to see him...... I don't see him often enough. We didn't do much but its just nice to have him around. Lacey was here this weekend. I don't see her enough either. We all live too far apart!! Lacey and I went shopping twice and watched 5 movies...that pretty much occupied our entire weekend. She only has 1 more term left until she graduates so hopefully she'll be able to visit more when she's done with school. Actually, I'm hoping she'll move to Portland soon so we can hang out all the time. That won't happen for at least a year though.

We finally got furniture for our den! We got a desk, chair, loveseat, and a desk lamp. We still need to get a few things to hang on the wall. Hopefully we'll get around to that next weekend. We also plan to get our downstairs bathroom painted next weekend. Knowing our procrastination habits, we'll see how much we actually accomplish. Joe's birthday is on Saturday so I know we'll be busy doing other things.

I think I'm finally over the lovely cold I've had the last couple weeks. Kasen's still a little stuffy and Joe's had a touch of it too. My dad was here last weekend and we seem to have sent all of the germs home with him. Sorry Dad!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

We bought furniture for the den today! A desk and chair and a love seat. It is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday....yay!!! We may still end up getting a bookcase at some point but we want to see how much room we have left with the two big pieces we got today in there. Its going to be great to be able to really enjoy that room since its basically been our "catch all" room since we moved in.

Kasen got a cold his first week in daycare. Then we both spent his second week sick. I already had to take a day off of work due to the cold from hell. We're both feeling much better now but still not completely over it.

Joe and I went on a date night Friday. We went out to dinner and then to Cirque du Soleil. It was a lot of fun...we don't get out without the baby much. Other than being packed in like sardines, the show was awesome. I'm already excited for the next time they come to town!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Den is Done!

We finished the den today! We still need to get furniture but here are the pics of the room...

Here's a close up of the crown moulding...

Watch for more posts on our next project.... a bathroom!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Knit Baby Gift Projects

Just wanted to post pics of my baby afghan projects. Here's the one I just finished.

This is one I made last year but I made the same one in pink and already gifted it.

This is the third baby afghan. Obviously, it's still in progress.

Off to knit!

Friday, March 7, 2008

I made it through my first week back at work. I actually enjoyed it too. It was nice having some adult interaction for a few hours each day. When I'm at work, I'm happy I'm there (still missing Kasen, of course) but as soon as I see his little smiling face, I don't want to be anywhere else. I guess that's why they have thisransition back to work plan.
I've been spending all my free time - you know, those 5 minutes I have to spare while Kasen's napping :-) - finishing up my baby afghan and browsing around on Ravelry. That site is SO addicting! I have to actually tear myself away from the computer when I catch myself in a Ravelry zone.
I'm extremely tired - I'm not used to getting up early - and am looking forward to the weekend. All that's on the agenda is to put the final finishing touches on the, its still not done.....and get some rest so we can do this all over again next week!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back to work

Well I'm officially back at work. Today was my second day. Its so hard to leave Kasen in the morning but I do have a good time once I get to work. We'll see if the excitement wears off after a week or two though. By the time noon rolls around I'm definitely ready to pick up my little man. It doesn't help that I'm out of the loop on pretty much everything...guess that's what taking 5 months off will do for you :-)I'll just keep plugging along for now. Only time will tell if I've made the right decision.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Today was another day of working on our den....we're finally just putting on the finishing touches! Tomorrow morning we are off to shop for furniture. I can't wait to have this room finished!

As for my knitting....I'm a few rows further on the baby afghan. I had to roll into balls two skeins of yarn which, if you are knitter you know, takes a long time. I recruited Joe to help me but it still took about an hour.
I'm also making a scarf using a new technique my MIL discovered. Its called entrelac and its very interesting. I really need to get the baby gifts done before I venture to other things but this project is calling me!
The last couple days all of my free time (like I have a lot :-) has been spent perusing the latest and greatest knitting website, Ravelry (another discovery by my wonderful MIL). Its a VERY comprehensive database of all things knitting. I love it!!

As I said yesterday, I head back to work Monday morning. I can't stop thinking about it and I can't decide if I'm excited or not. I love being with Kasen, of course, but I really do love my job and my friends there too. At least it will only be 4 hours a day. And I know that daycare will be good for him as soon as he is old enough to play with the other kids. I just have to remember if I end up hating this new arrangement, I can always become a SAHM. I have to stop worrying about it and know it will work out how its meant to be....right?